If you have an emergency, please dial 911.
Non-Emergency Number – 387-3531
Robstown Fire Department
The main function of the Fire Department is to protect life, property, and the assets of the City from any emergency situation through preparedness, prevention, public education, the development and enforcement of fire codes, emergency medical services, fire suppression and hazardous material incident response.
Mission Statement
The Mission of the Robstown Fire Department is to provide without prejudice the highest level of fire prevention, fire protection and life safety education to all that live within our limit and neighboring communities. We are dedicated to respect the integrity and compassion of our leadership amongst ourselves so that we may proudly serve others.
The Vision of the Robstown Fire Department is to strive to improve our service and operations thru training and education to meet the needs of our community.
Fire Fighters Prayer:
When I am called to duty, God,
wherever flames may rage,
give me strength to save a life,
whatever be its age.
Help me embrace a little child
before it is too late,
or save an older person from
the horror of that fate.
Enable me to be alert,
and hear the weakest shout,
quickly and efficiently
to put the fire out.
I want to fill my calling,
to give the best in me,
to guard my friend and neighbor,
and protect his property.
And if according to Your will
I must answer death’s call,
bless with your protecting hand,
my family one and all.
Javier Zapata
Fire Chief / Fire Marshal / Emergency Management Coordinator
Allen Wilkinson
Lupe Villarreal
Randy Gutierrez
Fire Fighters/Drivers:
Roger Cueva
Justin Vazquez
Robert Barrera
Greg Martinez
Ramiro Alejandro
Michael Mata
Fire Operations
Emergency Management
This mission of the Fire Prevention Inspection Division of the Robstown Fire Department is to reduce and eliminate the loss of life and property due to fire through fire code enforcement and public education.
The City of Robstown Fire Inspection Division follows the 2018 International Fire Code and the Life Safety Codes when conduction inspections and plans review.
Certificate of Occupancy (CofO)
A general inspection is conducted in accordance with local Life Safety and Fire Code for compliance. Inspectors will review plans and ensure construction is per plan.
All New Certificate of Occupancy Inspections shall require that businesses come into compliance in accordance Codes and Regulations in place at that time.
Fire Alarm Acceptance Testing
All newly installed commercial Fire Alarms and additions are required to have an acceptance test witnessed by a Robstown Fire Department Inspector.
Fire Sprinkler System Testing
All newly installed sprinkler systems and additions are required to have an acceptance test witnessed by a Robstown Fire Department Inspector.
Commercial Kitchen Hoods Testing
All Commercial and Kitchen Hood are required to have an acceptance test witnessed by a Robstown Fire Department Inspector.
Annual Inspections on Businesses
The Fire Inspection Division inspects all businesses annually. Upon passing inspection, the inspector will issue a permit to operate. Some of the items the inspector will look for are: Working exit signs, emergency lighting, proper exit doors, fire extinguishers, smoke alarms, Hazardous material storage, posted address signs, fire lanes…etc.
For more information on fire inspections please call Fire Inspections Division at (361) 387-2522.
Day Cares and Foster Homes
All daycares and Foster Homes will be inspected according to local codes and will follow State Fire Marshal recommendations.
All schools will be inspected annually and in accordance to local codes.
Annual Inspection
Commercial Cooking Hoods
Fire Alarms
Sprinkler System
To review or request a copy of the forms please call the Robstown Fire Department Inspections Division at (361) 387-2522.
To Request a copy of inspection or incident report, open records request process must be followed according to local policy. Please call the Robstown Fire Department for more information at (361) 387-2522.
Fire Prevention Education
The Mission of the Robstown Fire Department Prevention and Education Division is to ensure the health and safety of all through fire preventions presentations at local schools senior centers and businesses.
For onsite visits to station or to request a fire presentation please call the Robstown Fire Department at (361) 387-2522.